What Is Your Message? Your potential customers will research your business before they enquire or commit to a sale with you. What is the message that you are sending them before they become a client? As a small business, you need to build trust in your brand through...
Email Is Not Dead Email is most definitely not dead. It may be much less effective than it used to be 10 years ago but to write it off is like throwing away money. You can still use email in many ways to generate a positive return. When it comes to lead nurturing,...
Story Is In Everything The coffee culture is massive here in Melbourne. Its one of the facets of the city that I love. Pour over coffee is a personal favourite and to understand why it is so special, you need to know the story behind it. When you get a coffee, there...
How To Craft The Perfect Customer Testimonial Blog Getting your audience to convert is tough.. Let alone creating engaging content that is meaningful to your prospect. What about getting them to take action? Yep, it’s no easy feat. Luckily, like me, you...
Authenticity Changes Perception Forced of fake? When you watch two different stories, one is authentic and genuine, the other is forced and fake, would you be able to tell the difference? After watching a video with a disingenuous story, how does it make you feel?...
The Importance Of Story Having a good story is arguably the most important part of any video created for a business. The story is the lifeblood that drives the viewer to take action. Your audience wants to do business with you but they need to believe in your...