What Is Your Message?

Your potential customers will research your business before they enquire or commit to a sale with you. What is the message that you are sending them before they become a client?

As a small business, you need to build trust in your brand through your message so when people research your company they fall in love with it. Your message is vital to the growth and survival of your business in today’s society.

Using video as a way to package and show you message is the most effective form of communication you can have. There are many different types of video that you can use to benefit your business but here are 3 that will build trust in any industry for any business.

1. Business Overview Video 

Business overview videos are normally the first opportunity you will have to send a message to a prospect. These videos contain the story behind your business and give’s general information on the services you provide.

Having your business story in this video is vital to its success. People love story and it is the secret ingredient to the success of all the videos we create. It doesn’t matter what industry you are in, if you are in business then you deal with people. People love story.

Storytelling is how we communicate and create connections with each other and that is what makes these videos so powerful. Your story creates a connection with the viewer that sets the foundation for trust to be built.

The objective of your business overview video is to get your audience to know who you are and that you exist, like what your business does and what you stand for and finally, build trust in your brand. If you can create a video that achieves those three key points, you would have moved the viewer closer to doing business with you.

2. Case Study Videos

Case Study videos are arguably the most powerful type of video at building trust for business.

This is because they function as a highly effective form of social proof. This type of video is of a client or customer that you have serviced in the past, sharing their experience with your company and how you have positively impacted them with your product or service.

These videos are also very heavily story based as it takes the viewer through the different stages your customer experienced as they found and used your business.

Case Study Videos build instant credibility for your brand as it shows your product or service in action with a real person. It shows how you have helped someone and that is what validates your company.

People love to see that other people are already using your services before they move forward with your brand. That’s why it’s called social proof and it’s extremely effective at building trust.

3. Content Videos

Content videos are great for overcoming common objections that may be hindering the growth of trust in your potential customers.

This type of video builds trust by educating your audience and putting them at ease when it comes to things that they would normally be concerned about before moving forward with your business. This allows you to handle any objection that the prospect may have before they get a chance to bring them up.

It also shows that you understand their concerns and have put effort into making sure everything is covered. This is a great way to build trust with people who have shown interest but are not ready to commit to a sale.