Builder Knowledge
Our Creative PortalFAQ for Builders: Kai Konstruct Interview Summary: We've been helping Tim from Kai Konstruct since 2017. It's been an epic journey so far, and we thought it's time for Jean-Pierre to interview Tim to tell the story of his journey of growing and developing his Custom Home Building...
Builders: Positioning & Nurturing Summary: In this video, we talk about what our clients are doing to Position themselves and the strategy for Nurturing. Positioning will determine what projects and clients you get. It's the difference between...
Positioning your Value as a Builder Summary: In this video, we have Luis from LA Partners explaining the importance of positioning yourself as a builder. Resources & Links: Watch Training Video...
Builders: Stop Selling “The Product”, Instead Sell Yourself. Summary: The building industry is evolving. If you don't evolve, you will get left behind. In this video, I talk about how to stop selling the "product" and instead connect with your target market on an emotional level and sell yourself....
How To Inspire People To Go On The Journey With You As A Builder Summary: Your customers think they know what they want… but really they don't… It's your responsibility to help people find out and know what they want. In this video, I'm going to give you ideas on how you can inspire your target market...
How To Overcome Your Prospects False Beliefs About Your Building Business Summary: False beliefs are thoughts, doubts, misconceptions, preconceived ideas that your prospects have about your product or services. False beliefs appear to be real in your prospects mind because that is what they believe. You know...
How to Differentiate Yourself When You’ve Tried Everything Summary: You've tried everything to market yourself and your building company to differentiate yourself, but still, frustratingly feel like nothing works? Why are you still getting undercut and overlooked, and when you do attract clients?...
How To Patch Your Leaky Sales Pipeline As A Builder Schedule Your Free Strategy Session Submitting an application does NOT guarantee a free strategy session. We will only be doing strategy sessions with applicants and businesses that meet our criteria and that we are confident we can get...
How To Tell Your Story As A Builder Schedule Your Free Strategy Session Submitting an application does NOT guarantee a free strategy session. We will only be doing strategy sessions with applicants and businesses that meet our criteria and that we are confident we can get...
How to stop wasting time with unqualified leads (and get the good ones) Schedule Your Free Strategy Session Submitting an application does NOT guarantee a free strategy session. We will only be doing strategy sessions with applicants and businesses that meet our criteria and that we are confident we can get...
How to invest today to attract a consistent flow of high-end projects for the long term. Schedule Your Free Strategy Session Submitting an application does NOT guarantee a free strategy session. We will only be doing strategy sessions with applicants and businesses that meet our criteria and that we are confident we can get...
How to attract clients that want you and don’t need other builder’s quotes. Schedule Your Free Strategy Session Submitting an application does NOT guarantee a free strategy session. We will only be doing strategy sessions with applicants and businesses that meet our criteria and that we are confident we can get...
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