How To Make Your Business Stand Out!



by | Aug 15, 2018 | Blog Video

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It’s Not Easy

In today’s world, it’s hard to be unique, let alone getting people to notice your uniqueness.

Getting lost in the crowd of your competition is easy, so is blending into the status quo. How then, do you stand out and get people to notice your business?

There are two parts to effectively leaving an impact and being noticed in your industry. You need to use something that not everyone has. Something that is completely unique to your business.

Every business has a unique story to tell. It is your story that no other business can copy. For this reason, it becomes one of the most valuable assets to your business.

What Makes A Good Story?

Our job as storytellers is to extract and draw out your story and visually tell that story in the most effective way possible.

There are a few important elements that make up an effective story. In order to stand out from the crowd, you need to shift your focus from what makes you different from everyone else to what makes you inspiring.

Let’s face it, there is probably a business out there that does exactly what you do, either the same or better. This means that you are probably not going to stand out if you focus on showing your audience what your business can do.

Your business will stand out when you show your audience why you do what you do. The inspiration behind the business.

This draws out your passion and desires. It works to create an emotional connection with your audience that will make a huge difference in your company standing head and shoulders above the competition.

Delivering Your Story

Now that you have formed a business story, the way that you deliver that story is equally important.

People receive different information more and less effectively depending on the way that they consume it. Video is proven to be the most effective way to deliver a message to an audience.

Using storytelling through video is the ultimate tool for your business. Video helps to create that important connection with the viewer that leaves a lasting impression.

People believe what they see more than if they heard or read the same information. Video shows your audience who you are. They can see what you do and how you do it. It breaks the barrier of the unfamiliar and allows trust to begin growing.

This is how you stand out!

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About the Author


Corné Lategan

Corné Lategan is the Co-Founder and a Executive Producer at Bizvideo. In his down time he enjoys hanging out with his wife & doggie, family, playing squash & golf and traveling the world. He's been in the industry since 2007 & obtained a Bachelor of Film & Television at Bond University.

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