Is it really possible to use video as a tool to grow your business?
If you were anything like me then you’re probably thinking that this is just another blog, full of fluff without any information that will actually help.
In this post we show 8 ways our clients are using video to grow.
Well If I were you, Id stick around for this one. We are about to give you 8 very practical and easy ways to use video in everyday business life, in a way that will move your company forward. I’ll also explain why they work.
No fluff, just legitimate value.
If you want the ‘Cheat Sheet’ version of the “8 Ways”, it is part of our free video resource pack that we have put together.
You can gain access to it by clicking below.
1. Use Video To Respond To Inquiries
Include your business explainer video as part of your response to every inquiry.
It needs to be the main feature of communication when exchanging information. The impact of including your explainer video or any video that gives insight into who you are as a company is massive.
The first impression of your company is extremely important. Especially when it’s the first point of contact the prospect is having with a representative of your business.
It is in the first impression where the prospect decides whether or not they are going to move on to the next step in the process.
Having a video that allows the prospect to put a face to the name and see that you are a person just like them, with desires, dreams, goals and challenges, puts them at ease and lowers their guard.
The video helps to build trust and confidence in your company as well as breaks down the walls of unfamiliarity. When you get to the stage of a physical meeting or a phone call, the prospect feels as if they already know you.
To have someone already begin the process of knowing, liking and trusting your business before even meeting you, is priceless.
2. Use Video In Proposals
This is your chance to use social proof. Social proof is highly effective at establishing a strong bond of trust between you and your prospective client.
The best form of social proof is in the form of video! Case Study Videos are a great way to show off some of your happy customers.
It is proven to be the most effective type of video that you can create for your company.
When you include a case study video in your proposal, you give the client an opportunity to view the previous success of someone who has gone before them.
It validates your company as it visually represents a satisfied customer and creates a sense of comfort in the viewer. The more case studies you have, the bigger variety of clients you can cover.
You can have a case study video for every type of client you have or service you offer.
3. Use Video As A Follow Up Tool
People love free valuable information that can solve a problem. Create content videos that give your audience information that they want or need.
This is a great way to stay in front of potential clients who are not ready to pull the trigger. This will keep the relationship alive and keep you relevant in the eyes of the consumer. When they are ready to do business, they will come to you.
4. Use Video On Your Landing Pages
Landing pages in themselves are powerful when used correctly. However, add a video into a landing page and you’ll get a boost in conversions by 80%. Video can be a powerful way to help get your conversion numbers moving in the right direction.
People believe what they see more than if they heard or read the same thing. Your audience can visually understand and process what you are telling them, which makes it more likely that they will retain the information and take action.
Try video on your landing pages and see what results you can get. Clickfunnels is a great platform to build your landing pages on. It’s simple and easy to learn. If you don’t have a landing page for your business yet, you can learn about them by clicking the button below.
Click here to look at ClickFunnels
5. Use Video in Every Interaction with a potential Client
In any situation with a potential client, make sure to take every opportunity, to send or show them your video. It makes a massive difference when interacting with the prospect if they have seen the video.
They know who you are and why you do what you do. They have already built the foundation of trust and will be more open and easy to interact with.
When an emotional connection is created, it raises the chances of the prospect doing business with you either now or in the future.
Getting them to watch a business overview video is a great start. The more case study videos they watch, the better. We have a client that uses their case study videos to win prospects that are sitting on the fence. It simply boosts their conversion rate.
6. Increase Referrals with Video
Referrals are the lifeblood of many businesses. Word of mouth can be one of the most powerful influencers in the growth or decline of your company.
If you can leverage this force of nature, it can be highly beneficial for you. Creating case study videos of your clients gives you the opportunity to reach their family and friends who may need your product or service as well.
Send these videos out to the client who is featured and ask them to share it on their socials and with their contacts. This will help break you out of the unknown and get your business in front of more people.
Using this technique when creating videos will increase your chances of referral and help to build more awareness for your company.
7. Video Fuelled with Social Media
This is one of the more obvious uses for video in your business, however, it seems that most do not take full advantage or know how to get the most out of their video on social channels.
Social media is like jet fuel to the fire that is video. When used correctly you can get hundreds of times more engagement than on your video than text or images.
Using platforms such as facebook, instagram and youtube with a combined strategy can result in huge exposure. It helps to get your message out in front of the right people.
It’s no use putting your message in front of people who don’t care. Make sure you know your target market and engage with community groups within those social platforms.
Social media needs to be looked at as a long-term investment, one that requires commitment and dedication. Every little action you make can affect how the community views your business.
Positively and actively engaging with your target market on these platforms can build a community of followers who want to hear your message. When you do post your video, there will be people who want to consume your content.
A content strategy plan is a good place to start as well as dedicating a couple of hours a day to engage and interact with your community. It’s all about building meaningful connections to create followers that love what you do and who you are as a company.
8. Email Marketing
Add your video thumbnail to the signature of every email that you send. It gives the recipient multiple opportunities to watch the video. Include your videos in your email marketing strategy.
Your audience are more likely to watch a video than read text in a marketing email. It is a great way to keep in contact with old clients and could result in recurring business.
Any excuse to re-engage with your old clients should be taken. Keeping in front of them at all times will increase your chances of a referral or repeat business. Using video is a great way to make this happen!
To get the short version in download our free video resources pack by clicking the image below.
Take Advantage Of These Strategies!
Using at least some of these techniques will get you results. We have seen plenty of clients apply some of the above strategies and get great return.
If you want a simplified version of the above strategies, we have created a downloadable PDF, along with a number of other Free resources that you can get access to.
We love video and want to see it thrive and grow. Our dream is to see every business using video one day. That is why we have created these free resources so that you can take hold of the power of video!
Please apply these techniques and join the few that are reaping the rewards of using video effectively. I hope this information has proved useful to you and your business!
Client Success
This is a testimonial video of how one of our clients has applied some of the above techniques with his video and seen amazing results.
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Their company has seen direct growth from using the videos we created for them. This is the potential video has for your business when you apply some basic strategy.
If you put into action the steps that we have given you, you’ll see results.