
Client Interview: Blackhaus Construction

Client Interview: Blackhaus Construction Andrew from Blackhaus Construction is an Architectural Home Building Specialist based in the Sunshine Coast. We helped him attract his ideal clients using his story and the stories of his clients. In this video...

Client Interview: Lucian Constructions

Client Interview: Lucian Constructions Meet Tim & Victoria, they are the amazing people behind Lucian Constructions. In this interview we talk to them about growing a young building business and what it takes to fill a quality project pipeline. If you’re a...

Client Interview: Birch Build

Client Interview: Birch Build Meet Jack, he is a builder on the Gold Coast focusing on Resort Style Living. This Case Study Reveals how Jack: Went from – chasing clients to clients chasing him.Differentiated himself as a builder.Got clear on his...

Client Interview: Reece from Clifford Built

Client Interview: Reece from Clifford Built Meet Reece. He’s a Custom New Home & Major Renovation Builder on the Gold Coast. Reece has been passionate about building stuff ever since he was a kid. Reece also loves attracting his ideal clients and projects. ...

Client Interview: Greg from Kiadom Homes

Client Interview: Greg from Kiadom Homes Meet Greg. He’s a builder on the Gold Coast. He specialises in Custom Designed Small Homes. Greg loves consistency in business. Why? Because it enables him to better predict and this creates confidence. Greg came to us...

Case Study: Jarryd from Tide Constructions

Case Study: Jarryd from Tide Constructions Meet Jarryd - he is a Custom Home Builder in Brisbane… … and he had heaps of concerns about doing story and video marketing. But in the end, it changed the way he operated his business. Like many builders, he’s always wanted...

Client Interview: Tide Constructions

Client Interview: Tide Constructions

Summary: Jarryd found us on Facebook, clicked an ad and made a decision to look into this whole "video" and "story" thing. As a builder, why the heck would you even look into videos or stories for your business?? Well, Jarryd's thinking was "well why not"? Jarryd...

FAQ for Builders: Kai Konstruct Interview

FAQ for Builders: Kai Konstruct Interview Summary: We've been helping Tim from Kai Konstruct since 2017. It's been an epic journey so far, and we thought it's time for Jean-Pierre to interview Tim to tell the story of his journey of growing and developing his Custom Home Building...

We partnered with Bizvideo because they are the only ones that can help us emotionally connect and build trust through story and video, and get us more awareness.

Nick Milatos

Elite Homes QLD, Brisbane

We wanted to be proud of what we have achieved so far, showcase our successes, and share them with other potential clients who can be inspired and excited to work with us.

Not having to accept every job, instead, having a pipeline of high-value jobs with value-focused clients.

Having the luxury of choice!

We know our potential, and we need someone that can communicate that and get it in front of our ideal clients every month.

Ben Lewis

Lewis Build, Auckland NZ

I want to strongly attract the ‘A type’ clients to our business and not the cheap time wasters who simply can’t afford our builds. So I need our brand and message out there by you guys!

Certainly needing to team up with professionals like you in the marketing sector that have the runs on the board.

Projecting the high-quality building company where people want US to build for their dream home! 

Marc Milner

Delco Building Group, Melbourne

We wanted the best marketing team to take care of our marketing for us – we love what you do.

Timothy Bradshaw

Lucian Constructions, Gold Coast

We want our clients to come to us because they want to build with us not just because we seemed reasonably priced.

We know that we are a good building company and have a strong set of values and standards, and we needed someone that can communicate that and get it in-front of ideal clients month by month.

We want our ideal clients to know who we are and we don’t know how to achieve this. We want to stand out!!!!!!

Peter Considine

Secon Constructions, Melbourne

I came onboard with Bizvideo because I had seen how they create the emotional connection between clients and ‘real’ builders behind their businesses.
Daniel Perrem

Daniel Perrem Design & Construction

I needed to stand out and keep standing out from other builders.
Jack Brown

Birch Build, Gold Coast

It’s important for us to have a partner that can help me build a long-term pipeline and help me for the next 5, 10+ years!
Magdalena Juric

Kotari Constructions, Canberra

We finally chose to go ahead with Bizvideo because we could see they genuinely cared about their clients and how much their clients had enjoyed the journey with them.
Jason Loechel

Topline Furniture, Adelaide

I had been trading for 3 years and had been through periods without leads coming through, so I had to do something. I wanted to start marketing my business and didn’t like what everyone else was doing… I wanted to stand out, and video seemed like the perfect solution. While drilling down into it, I realised a video without heart to it, means nothing and everyone in your office understands that too. I want my ideal clients to coming to me, almost begging me to be involved in their build. I didn’t want to have to sell myself anymore.
Andrew Kerr

Blackhaus Construction, Sunshine Coast

Trent first came across your marketing he was blown away. Trent and Mitch are very humble people and the hardest thing for them was portraying their message to people. There are so many builders in town and we were just one of them. With what you guys created for us has made us stand out as something different something unique and special. We aren’t just another builder that is just after the money, the boys love the job and get the satisfaction out of knowing they achieved what the clients wanted and that the process went smoothly.
Chelsea Balding

Balding Constructions , Wagga Wagga

For us, it’s not just getting more clients, but the right clients & projects. It’s crazy how that is happening now. I have big ambitions and I want to partner with the best. A business that understands our clients and how to create an emotional connection.
Jarryd Duffy

Tide Constructions, Brisbane

What's the next step?

Story Strategy Session

If you're ready to take it to the next level, book in a 45-min Story Strategy Session to see if and how we can help you:

Watch the Builder Documentary

If you're in "information-gathering mode" and want to know more, watch our Builder Documentary Below: