Submitting an application does NOT guarantee a free strategy session. We will only be doing strategy sessions with applicants and businesses that meet our criteria and that we are confident we can get results for.


In this video, I show construction businesses specifically Custom Home Builders how to stop wasting time on bad leads.

I have spoken to a number of builders over the years and the one topic of conversation is always around “how do we attract more quality leads” and not waste time on those tire kickers.

I think builders are getting sick of the fact that instead of just producing amazing projects and working on the business they have to spend their time quoting multiple jobs that will most likely not go through.

What we cover in this video:

  1. The pain of quoting, especially when you know it’s a bad project or it won’t go anywhere.
  2. Generally, people just want quotes. We have to understand “why”?
  3. What happens when we try and qualify COLD people with hard questions?
  4. Nurturing the relationship.
  5. What is “your story” and how do we use it as our secret weapon?

Resources & Links:

Submitting an application does NOT guarantee a free strategy session. We will only be doing strategy sessions with applicants and businesses that meet our criteria and that we are confident we can get results for.