As we continue to work alongside builders, we’ve come to realise that there’s one crucial factor that is essential to them yet often proves to be a challenging and time-consuming process: building trust.

Much like building a house, trust is built over time and with the right foundations- through exposure, education and nurturing new potential clients to understand who you are and what you can do for them.

However, this is easier said than done.

Without the proper marketing or no marketing, people can quickly form a false impression of your building business, which can ultimately ruin any potential future projects with these clients.

You want the ideal clients coming to you, knowing who you are and trusting that you’re the right builder for them.

In this podcast, JP sits down with Bill from DivBuild to discuss how we’ve helped him build his brand and save time and effort in establishing trust with his ideal clients.

Schedule a call with JP to learn more about how we can help you see your building business soar.