
We are big fans of companies that are industry disrupters where everyone benefits.

Superdraft approached us because they saw the value in telling their story.

In the tech space, it can be hard to show the human element. Unfortunately, a lot of tech companies don’t invest the time and money to showing their clients the human side and why their product is changing the world for the better.

What I love about Superdraft is they identified a problem and took the time to create a product that will help both designers and also the consumer.

For the Architect, Superdraft is generating a constant lead flow and projects and taking care of the sales & marketing so the Architect can focus on design.

For the consumer, they are making construction easy, less stressful, transparent, and save on unnecessary costs.

Superdraft puts a big emphasis on culture, and we noticed it at every point of us telling their story.

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Since I first became involved with the company, I’ve seen them really refined the product. The way Superdraft is now ready to really ramp up through to much bigger things. We had this vision to become a global home design platform and every day we’re thinking about how are we going to achieve our vision.

Our mission is to really help simplify and streamline the design to build process. What we’re doing is aggregating all of the best building designers, Joslin architects into one platform, really solving the problems that exist in their home design industry.

Superdraft is now Australia’s leading home design platform. We have hundreds of design partners around Australia and we coordinate thousands of projects each year.

But we have two sides to our platform. We have consumers on one side. These are people looking to renovate, develop or build, and then on the other side we have our architects and building designers who we call our partners. For these architects. It’s a highly fragmented industry. 58.2% of the architects in Australia, are sole traders. Although they are good at design and drafting, they struggle when it comes to marketing where it be consistent work for themselves and we actually are the only platform in Australia that provides designers with live ready to go projects and we provide a project management system that they can use which automates and streamlines all of their admin and invoicing.

You’ll get a decent sized project and then it’s all hands on deck and while you’re busy in the project you may be stretched to have that marketing aspect happen, whereas working with the team and Superdraft, it allows me to have a stream of clients that I can choose from and as a designer you don’t normally get that choice. It really allows you to just focus best at what you do.

For the consumer we make sure we screen with the best designers, architects and draftsmen from around Australia and then we profile them. Find out everything about them. From the languages they speak all the way through and if they’re not happy with the designer that we match them with, we have what’s called a designer switch option where we can switch designers. So that way they can get the best customer experience possible.

From the outside. The building process is quite a Pake. It’s very hard to be sure that you’ve got every certification that you’ve talked to, every consultant that you’ve got every professional involved, so that reassurance that you get from knowing the someone there taking care of your whole project. That’s really worth something. It saves you having to go from place to place and it means you can be assured of a good result in the end. We’re very much a cloud based business. We’ve always been focused on digital innovation and we’ve built and interactive 3-D engine that allows clients to be able to walk through their home and experience it in 3D, change the floors, the walls, kitchens, bathrooms. When designing a new build or renovation, really need to be able to immerse yourself in the design, get a feel for the layout, the volume, the flow experience, how the rooms tie into each other. That’s so important.

The culture that Mark and Jake instill within the team, create a great working environment, is always a positive, helpful culture. It’s great to have some fun but work hard at the same time.

I thought the concept with Superdraft was particularly interesting. It was more scale than other businesses that I had previously been involved in. It’s been seven or eight years to get to where we are now, but we’re well on our way to achieving our vision and with a bit of help from, more talents more investment, more hard work. We’re definitely gonna get there.