Meet Greg.

He’s a builder on the Gold Coast.

He specialises in Custom Designed Small Homes.

Greg loves consistency in business.

Why? Because it enables him to better predict and this creates confidence.

Greg came to us because he knew there was a gap in the market.

He knew he had something special to offer his clients but he didn’t know how to get that message in front of them.

He scheduled a Story Strategy Session with my team, and we mapped out the whole journey.

He came on board as a client and we helped him:

  1. Get clear on his message
  2. We created his story videos for him
  3. We created an online journey for people to enter where Greg can qualify with real-world data.
  4. Month by month we take care of his advertising.

Why does Greg love all of this?

Because he knows his marketing is on point and taken care of.

He knows his marketing is driving qualified people that want small homes.

He can predict.

If you’re a builder, and you want to see if/how this could work, click the link below to book a call: