How To Ask Your Clients For A Testimonial Without Looking Desperate Sometimes it’s really hard asking your clients for a testimonial or a case study video. You know how important it is though to your sales and growth of your business. Here’s my story of how I overcome...
Episode 7. How To Overcome False Beliefs That Are Holding Your Sales Back Podcast Watch The Full Episode Here How To Overcome False Beliefs That Are Holding Your Sales Back Your prospects ‘false beliefs’ are the biggest barrier between you and your...
Story is all around us! I wouldn’t be surprised if you remember stories that were told to you 20, 40 or even 60 years ago. In the next few episodes I will be breaking down the formula that we use to help engage an audience. Today we start with...
Story is all around us! I wouldn’t be surprised if you remember stories that were told to you 20, 40 or even 60 years ago. In the next few episodes I will be breaking down the formula that we use to help engage an audience. Today we start with...
Here is a really big potential opportunity if you’re in business. If you sell something to someone chances are the thing you’re selling them is actually creating more problems for them. In this podcast, I share a story and a few ideas so you can ‘solve’ some of these...