Meet Jarryd – he is a Custom Home Builder in Brisbane…

… and he had heaps of concerns about doing story and video marketing.

But in the end, it changed the way he operated his business.

Like many builders, he’s always wanted to be a builder.

His biggest desire:

To make sure it’s successful.

But like many builders, he soon realized that there’s more to it than just doing quality building. He needed his ideal clients to be sold on “why” Tide is the best builder for them.

Jarryd found us on Facebook, clicked an ad (like you did) and made a decision to look into this whole “video” and “story” thing.

As a builder, why the heck would you even look into videos or stories for your business??

Well, Jarryd’s thinking was “well why not”?

Jarryd understands that marketing your business isn’t all about bringing in new leads.

It’s about growing your business.

Like many builders, he was sick of not being clear on who he was as a builder and he was sick of not putting out the right message and brand perception.

Let’s go back to basics and break it down:

Who: Jarryd from Tide Constructions

— He was sick of using a regurgitated sales pitch that didn’t even work.
— He is a great builder but not a salesman. The problem is salesmen win the jobs.
— He tried construction videos in the past – and it didn’t work.
— His message was like every other builder (good quality, good communication etc)
— Felt like a struggling builder.
— Struggling with prospects that didn’t match his vetting process (unqualified).
— He didn’t have the right projects yet. (this didn’t stop him from getting the right projects).
— He tried marketing – and it didn’t work.

Join our offering and get clear on his vision, message and target market as a builder and create stories to market correctly.

Did it work? Well, if you watch the interview we recently did with Jarryd you will understand the HUGE impact it’s had on his business.

Here are some of the outcomes:
— Built Confidence in his business
— A clearly defined message that differentiates him on a deeper level.
— Doesn’t have to sell himself, the clients have to.
— Changed the way he operates his business (before we even created a single video – by getting clear first)

One thing is for sure when Jarryd finally decided to STOP and go on the journey with us to get clear on who “Tide” is, things got better immediately.

When he launched his stories, he stepped it up to another level again.

These days, it’s not a case of quoting every job, it’s about choosing.

So, do you want to become a builder that “chooses” who you work with?

If you do – well it’s time to get serious and book a call with us. Click here.