Culture Is The Backbone

Some would say that culture is one of the most important parts of a business. Having a good culture in your company is crucial to the longevity and growth of your business. It can be what keeps you going or tears your down.

A challenge that every business faces is effectively communicating your culture to your new and existing staff in a way that they will receive it and take it on board.

The challenge is in the staff taking on and carrying your message into everything that they do in every area. This can only happen if they truly believe in what your business is doing.

They need to have conviction in your company and the service or product that you provide. This will be the difference that drives a successful culture. It is the key to growth in your business that comes through your staff.

Sending The Message

How do you spark the fire in your staff that will carry the passion that you have for your company?

Firstly they have to know the ‘why’ behind your company. What drives you to do what you do. It is so important that your staff understand what drives the business forward, the reason that you get out of bed every morning.

Once they know the ‘why’, they need to carry that into everything that they do. A solid Conviction is needed.

To achieve this conviction, a connection is needed. This connection has to be on an emotional level that impacts and moves them to take action.

Culture takes time to build and grow, however getting the message out is a great way to kick start the process.

Communicating With Video

Getting your message across to your employees and to your audience can be a challenge but using video makes it a whole lot easier. Video is proven to be the most effective kind of communication you can use to get your message across in a way that will create an emotional connection.

ARC Projects have used video to communicate the importance of culture to their team and to their audience. It helps the team and the audience see how much they value culture.

This results in trust and confidence being built in the business. A good company culture is something that is very hard to get right, however, when you have the tools at your disposal to make the process as easy as possible, it raises your chances of success.

Try using video in a way that builds up and inspires your team.