
Hey Guys this Corne form Bizvideo. I want to give you guys a quick tip today, you can use this in person when you talk to people and for the videos that you create for your business. The topic is using features, advantages and benefits in your communication. When it comes to your services and your products and even your business you have to explain it in this format so that it makes sense to the person that you are talking to, otherwise you’re just talking and they will not get the value that you provide for your customers. I will use our business, Bizvideo, as an example. With every video that we create we have to go through a planning stage, so that’s a feature, so the feature is we go through planning for the video. The advantage is we have created a story development framework and then we use that framework within the story development session to extract all the information needed to extract your story, your why, what you do and how you help your clients. That way we know exactly what visuals we need to get and we also know exactly what that message is going to be in the video, so again that is the advantage there. The benefit to our clients going through the Story Development Session is the video and the message and the visuals are going to be so effective that it will inspire the audience to take action and get them to fall in love with our clients and see the value that they provide which means they will inquire, be more likely to then convert into a sale and what that means for our clients is more growth. I hope this video has helped you. Remember features, advantage and then Benefit.