Video Marketing Core: What channels to distribute your video through
We have already covered a few distribution channels in the first part of this series, but now we want to dig in deeper.
It’s not enough to just place your video on your website. It needs to be seen.
It must show up when a prospect needs your specific product or service.
In this edition we will look at what the different options are and how to get traffic to your website from your video.
At this point in time there are many ‘free’ ways to market your video and we will explore these ways and tell you how to optimize the process.
I will also point out a few great ideas for paid marketing such as placing your video on directories in your industry.
By implementing these Video Marketing Strategies you won’t only improve your organic SEO rankings but you will instantly receive more visitors to your website and possibly a couples of new enquiries from all the new visitors.
Start With your Website
Most businesses place their business video on their homepage.
This is only logical as you want it to appear first up. We always suggest making it hard to miss so make sure your web designer knows that you want it nice and big.
If you have other types of videos such as Testimonial Videos or specific Services Videos you should place them on their specific pages.
As an example, we created numerous videos for an Australian Builder. He specialises in a few different services and we created a video for each service. For home renovations we made sure the ‘home renovations’ video was placed on the ‘home renovations page. Make sense?
Make sure you have fast video hosting. We suggest using either Vimeo or Wistia. Both have their pros and cons but you can’t go wrong with either one of them. Wistia however has some really nice options when it comes to sharing your video and also analyzing data.
Upload your Video to the following Free Video Services.
Youtube Channel
Youtube is known worldwide for being very successful because of it’s reach.
Just a quick few stats:
- More than 1 billion viewers each month.
- Youtube is international.
- Just ‘youtube’ it.
You should first create channel for your business. You can do so by visiting this page.
Make sure you create a well written description that explains to youtube what this video is about and also add a link back to your website. If this is a service based video, then add the specific web address to the description.
Vimeo is one of the better Video hosting services. It has a great community with ‘better’ videos.
Youtube is know to have a lot of junk and this is where Vimeo is great. Click here to create your account.
This service used to be for photos only. A few years back they have opened it up to video and it’s another channel for your to explore. Click here to learn about video on Flickr.
Your Message & Description
For each social media channel you should ideally write separate descriptions and also a link back to the video page on your website. If you don’t have a lot of time then one description all around will do just fine.
Use the PAS formula to write a eye catching description.
P – Problem
A – Agitate Problem
S – Solution
If you’re a Physiotherapist you would saying something like this.
“Are you struggling with neck pain? You’re probably struggling with everyday activities. In this video you will learn 3 easy tricks that will stop neck pain instantly and give you your life back. –”
The Image
Each social media channel will allow you to post an image along with your link and description.
The human brain responds to images and it is know that your link will get clicked 80% more when you have an image.
We normally do a screenshot of the video and post the image.
Social Media Channels
Once you have embedded the video to your website and you have your description ready you can now post the link to the following Social Media channels:
- LinkedIn Personal Profile
- LinkedIn Company Page (If you have a budget, then books the campaign to a paid ad)
- Google+ Personal Profile
- Google+ Company Profile
- Facebook Personal Profile
- Facebook Business Page
- Pinterest Company Page (Create a screenshot of the video)
Industry Directories
This can work really well for a lot of local businesses.
I also know that most local businesses use directories specifically to their industry.
As an example a restaurant will generally have a listing on a few restaurant directories. Check to see if having a video is an option, and if it is, make use of it. Your business will stand out by 400% using a video on a directory.
Other Channels
We have had great success with the following strategies and so have our clients.
- Email Signature – Place a link in your email signature to your video page.
- Newsletter – Let your list know about your new video.
- Instagram – Post a 15 second snippet of your video on your Instagram account
- Enquiries – If you receive an enquiry via the phone, guide them to the web address of your video. The benefit of this is your client can actually put a face to your voice.
- Industry Blogs – If you’re in a niche industry, make sure you submit your video page to blogs related to your topic. You will get loads of new untapped traffic to your website.
- Introduce yourself – If you ever find you have to write a cold email make sure to add a link to your video page.
Now that you have the right distribution channels to explore start by writing your descriptions using the PAS formula.
It doesn’t help doing a half job by just posting a link and telling people to ‘check it out’.
Make sure you know who your ideal client is. Make sure you know what their problem is and then help them by giving them a solution.
By spending 10 minutes on a great written description you will see a big jump in your traffic statistics.
Don’t forget about the photo you post alongside your link and description. The image will be seen first and get the viewers attention. They will then read your description and if they like what they see they will click the link which leads them to your website.
Your Thoughts
I’d love to hear your thoughts – on Video Marketing Techniques. If you need help with anything or you have any ideas we can add to this page please Contact Us.
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